Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"BlackBerry: ' we have many of you let;" Still working, the service to restore

BlackBerrys.Enlarge Damien Meyer / AFP/Getty Images BlackBerrys. Damien Meyer/AFP/Getty Images

As BlackBerrys are beginning to work properly again in some parts of the world after three days of failure, the founder of the company, which is the power of the devices today for user morning - and apologize conceding, that he still didn't say if things entirely back will be normal.

"I apologize," research in motion says founder of Mike Lazaridis in a video, the company today provided online. "We have disappoint many of you." ... "You expect from us better and I expect better from us."

According to Lazaridis, BlackBerry text services are back to "normal levels in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa." He mentioned not North America, where failures were reported yesterday.

"We do everything in our power to restore regular service level," he added.

Lazaridis said he would like to able to predict when everything will be resolved, but said, "I this with certainty at this point not."

The associated press writes:

"An important link in the BlackBerry European network not Monday, and also from a backup." Even though the underlying problems were quickly repaired, had built a backlog of emails and messages that you had to be wound up the system. In the meantime been news for Europe data centers in the rest of the world are piling up in BlackBerry. "By Wednesday it had slowed the failure in the United States and Canada, to a crawl."

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