Fruit Ninja. Bejeweled. Plants vs. zombies. These are all top grossing apps through Apple's app store. Many people dream to create the next mobile application smash hit. But some not even old enough for a learner permit - go the last group of tech entrepreneurs - after their piece of the pie.
Copyright © 2011 national public radio ®. For personal, non-commercial use. See terms and conditions. For other uses, the prior approval required.GUY RAZ, host: NPR news, it's all considered. I am guy Raz. And it is time now for all tech.
RAZ: While some teens and tweens spent the summers of babysitting or mowing lawns, a growing number of issued overtime on a screen with their parents blessing.
Hoover, Alabama education reports Gigi ???? Douban of the new tech phenomenon - very young mobile app developers.
GIGI ???? DOUBAN: one night last summer, Ozair Patel and his parents around the table were sitting. You languages about the new school year and how Ozair more could be organized. Now, Ozair is a bright child, but like many 13-year-olds, he loses things - handouts, notes - things like that. He himself was from the first week of the school, built in an iPhone app. He named it Berry classmate, after his Berry middle school.
OZAIR PATEL: It has school calendar, so that you find, have some days off school. And you can – your teachers from your iPod and iPhone.
???? DOUBAN: Word to spread about the app and Ozair was a rock star middle school.
???? DOUBAN: in the corridors, children tapped him on the back. That gave him High fives. Most of them know how he did it, so that they wanted to build mobile applications. In fact, chief technology officer of the school district was so impressed, he asked Ozair, apps for other schools.
You agreed?
PATEL: Yes, I have.
???? DOUBAN: going to pay them?
PATEL: much - oh, I don't know if there is a lot. But they are to pay me.
???? DOUBAN: A school system spokesperson said she have not yet nailed, how he will pay much, but they'll follow all child labor laws.
Ozair is OK with this strange little arrangement.
PATEL: How two jobs, I work as a student, and with them to work.
???? DOUBAN: is not the kind of bizarre?
PATEL: Yes, it's somehow funny. But I'm paid for it, so...
???? DOUBAN: Ozair is part of a growing trend of the children selected entrepreneurs. For example the grader, the bubble ball, an app built to tap the angry birds from the top slot of the app.
???? DOUBAN: there is more than nine million copies downloaded. Many young developers hope to earn the next big hit nail and money. Say a NAP for an iPhone or iPad you free of charge 99 cents per download. Then, when 1,000 people buy it, the $700 is, after Apple's cut 30 percent. Free apps make money through advertising.
???? DOUBAN: but not all children, to get rich. You want to create something fun as follows...
???? DOUBAN: it's a musical app that changes your voice. Stanford professor GE Wang created it and other popular musical apps. He says that more children will learn to create apps, because well, they can now.
GE WANG: It's really not that hard. All the tools are there, and they no amount of money costs.
???? DOUBAN: Wang says it platforms such as Apple's online app store easier, bring a product to consumers have. And he adds: many children thrive on new ground in the risks, which makes them fearless entrepreneurs, to explore.
CAROLINA MILANESI: overall the market absolutely at the moment is booming.
???? DOUBAN: Carolina Milanesi analyze the app industry. Mobile applications are expected to double next year to $17 million. And says Milanesi, tech savvy children willing to collect on these profits are.
MILANESI: These devices are used in schools. They are part of their daily life and in the game and work for them.
???? DOUBAN: and for all these children at Berry middle school, who wanted a piece of the action, Ozair began an app Club.
I'm ???? Douban for NPR news in Hoover, Alabama Gigi.
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