Friday, October 7, 2011

Tim Cook, Steve jobs and an apology

7. October 2011 08: 00 GMT state Steve Jobs yesterday I was by the early morning until late in the evening with radio and television about the death of Steve jobs occupied. That meant, I did not get round something I needed to do - make an apology to his successor as CEO of Apple.

As many who watched Tuesday's performance, Tim Cook, such as the iPhone-4S was introduced, I was significantly underwhelmed. The whole event was long, unwieldy and not something especially newsworthy delivers. And Mr Cook hesitate in the spotlight, with other Apple executives occupy the stage for the most part, seemed to be ninety minutes event.

Now, we know that the presentation during the company's co-founder, which took place man, was the inspiration for everything that was Apple indeed, in his last hours. As a well known blogger Robert Scoble wrote, excuse his own harsh words about the Tuesday event, must have known Tim Cook and his closest collaborators.

It must have to carry a large load, been, as she went through their paces, trying to keep the very high standards of Steve jobs.

I called it a "boring" debut for Tim Cook, and said the verdict was that he must do better. But it is now clear that it is completely unfair to judge him on the performance of these circumstances or conclusions on Apple's future under his leadership.

Reported better by far to consider how the company passing from its founding genius. When I was awakened with the news early in the morning yesterday, I went directly to Apple's website. It had nothing more than a simple black and white image of Steve jobs and the caption 1955-2011.

The simplicity and beauty of the design in this font a tribute to a man made familiar, which this form so passionately believe arrived as much as function. It was also quite extraordinarily moving.

That bring a company's website a piece on the neck may be out of place. But this is, what with Apple reached Steve jobs - is he inspired, that emotion makes functional products they beautiful.


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