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Oh, the iPhone 4 fiasco. Who could forget, if managed to gadget blog Gizmodo it, their hands on Apple's iPhone 4 prototype as an engineer ahnungsloser lost it on a German beer garden?
The two men, Brian Hogan, and Sage Wallower, pleaded no contest to theft of lost objects "-the purchase of the phone to media." As a result the men were each given a year of probation to 40 hours of public service, and had back to Apple to pay $250 in the context of restitution.
(More: Taiwan animated iPhone 4 Antennagate;) Jobs power chokes Gizmodo's Jason Chen)
Hogan found allegedly the phone in the bar, while Wallower the device shop around gadget bloggers and journalists Hogan helped. Gizmodo at the end of pay about $5,000 for the exclusive device. Apple threatened the blog with criminal counts to calculate, but finally decided, not a file.
Jail time in accordance with the local prosecutor, who said faced possible for the two men had no previous criminal record, "the judge as, that Wallower had served in the army and was Hogan who act in San Jose and decided that not in prison was required..." This is a fairly routine theft case. "That was a few young people should have to know better."
(More: Gizmodo editor House raided by the police about iPhone 4 fiasco)
Back Apple CEO Steve Jobs contacted Gizmodo rejected previous editorial director Brian Lam for the phone back, the Lam. Local police received an arrest warrant, Gizmodo editor Jason Chen House, then to look for, where she confiscated his equipment. (Chen worked out often from home.)
With the judgment in it seems that they say finally has an end.
[via CNET]
Erica-HO is a reporter for time and was previously an employee at Gizmodo. You find them on Twitter at @ Ericamho and Google +. You can also the discussion on time of the Facebook page and on Twitter at @ time further.
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