6. October 2011 booth 23: 07 GMT by Kate Dailey BBC News Magazine in life as in death, Steve Jobs commanded love and respect Steve Jobs combination of success and popular secrecy made it for people around the world who mourned his death in public.
Even before his personality cult of Apple Steve Jobs passed away, was emerging large.
When it became known that he would resign, analysts concerned that the company without him would butt.
But his death crystallizes both its status as a cult figure and his legacy of a society in transition.
Within minutes of his death, was overwhelmed Twitter Hashtags and posts in memoriam. On Facebook, people create written and published a number of photos, quotes and videos about jobs, a digital Echo Chamber.
People flocked Apple stores around the world to leave flowers. Groups to the the candle apps on their iPads create a vigil.
Mysterious and privateThe crowd reaction to news of his death made it seem as if jobs was a friend for the millions of people, which product owned by be.
In fact, she knew very little about him.
Thethe main story was next, non-compliant what is Steve jobs. "It is incredibly attractive, especially today"quote at the end of Jonathan Gabay brand consultant, JonathanGabay.com "he was incredibly mysterious and private." "You be difficult, a picture of him and his children, hard fall, would be to search on anything other than talk Apple products, listen to him", says Leander Kahney, author of inside Steve's brain, a biography of jobs.
Jobs never revealed much about his policies or his private life also means that he could never disappoint fans fixed ideas.
"Because he was mysterious, people could their own project ideas to him, and he could be a lot of things for a lot of people," says Mr Kahney, the cult of Mac is running the site and wrote a book with the same name.
Man of mysticismJobs of the carefully constructed Web of secrecy, peppered with a few notes which he was a vulnerability and access - famous for answering of customer s mail - only added to the impending legend, which grew with every Apple innovation.
"A visionary, saw him the more you with Mystique, the more are accompanied when he" says Maia Anderson, associate professor at the UCLA Anderson School of management.
If mysterious people who successfully, says, we see it "as if it a special something equipped, to most of us do not have access."
She led a study that were asked in the volunteers to assess workplace potential government spending, trends in the stock market and the future of interest rates in prediction.
"The more people saw him as a mystic, the more they ascribed to him the ability to predict these things," she said. "It is a testament to, how much people saw in him."
It also a proof of how exactly he is guarded his personal image.
Think differentlyFrom the outset, says it has a cult of Apple, Mr Kahney. But this had less with personality and had more to do with the products that generate enormous loyalty. That so few people used it a touch of exclusivity and a heavy Protectiveness of enthusiasts constantly worried created that giants like Microsoft their beloved companies out of business.
Jobs added something else into the mix.
"One of the things that Mr of jobs who was very unlike any other, was he did it his way," says Jonathan Gabay, branding consultant and founder of the JonathanGabay.com.Computer before jobs grey fields used for mathematics and science; Office equipment for men in suits and ties. Jobs, dressed in jeans and a pioneer that casual Friday dotcom lifestyle, all that changed.
"" "It free to bring the people, so that his brilliant slogan"think different", a different way of doing things", says Mr Gabay.
Standard-bluesBy think differently, turned directly into the mainstream jobs. With the invention of the iPod and iPhone Apple went from a quirky outsider to a global powerhouse. The ubiquitous white headphones were worn by hipsters, artists and Wall Street suits.
If Mr jobs it business, was anything but a revolutionary. "It seems Liberals such as a cool, creative company, but the reality is that it is a very locked." It is not a happy place to work, "says Mr Kahney."
"It is one of the narrowest controlled companies in the world."
The mystery around jobs was only a few notes of the threat. How did the company more successful and less outwardly innovative - after all, how often expected to be a company to create the next big thing, that revolutionised our lives? -Chance that jobs be fallible increased.
A solution for saleNow, the company that develops jobs must navigate a new path without the storied leader. But the legacy that the jobs offers some direction.
As consumers around the world of online jobs memorialise, nobody was crowing about his innovations in the processor speed or even Apple's innovative design.
The majority of posts cemented jobs of the status as a dreamer and visionary: to quote, when he told him: "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition"; Link map with Apple, which begin, "Here is the crazy"; Posting of articles to explain the promise, ' what is Steve jobs, that our politicians do not '.
Jobs died at a time when trust people less than ever. The technology, which he created and the image, which he sold consumers a possible solution.
"People are desperate longing, the idea that they can do things differently, because they not in the way confidence it happened before," says Mr Gabay. "This feeling of non-conforming was exactly what is Steve jobs." "It is incredibly attractive, especially today."
In particular jobs promised a lifestyle - you can cool, you can use against the grain, and you can successfully with these ideas.
"" "" Everyone who buys a Mac says: "I'm going to write my novel, I'll edit my film, I'll cut the single", "says Mr Kahney."It speaks that creative vein. "In fact, all they do is around sit and watch Netflix on it."
When his Legion of fans went online, to mark his death, they said, would "I believe." They were letting the world know that they also think are different.
Even if they sometimes forget Steve jobs have never.
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