Friday, October 7, 2011

Apple is planning job memory

6 October 2011 09: 53 GMT state Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak founded Apple with Steve Jobs Apple said that "a firm which was planned after his death Steve's extraordinary life on Wednesday".

In an internal memo to staff said Apple CEO Tim Cook, who closely with jobs "a dear friend and an inspiring mentor had lost".

"We will honor his memory by dedicate ourselves to continuing the work that he loved so much", he said.

Meanwhile, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said, on that his friend would live on its products.

"We have something that we don't again get lost, but how I see it, though, as people love products, that he so much in the development of the means, which he brought much life in the world," he said in an interview with PA.

Wozniak, said that he had seen last time of jobs three months ago, shortly after his temporary medical leave Apple to unveil iCloud service.

Apple Orchard

Wozniak said that Apple market-changing products, from the Macintosh computers with the iPod, iPhone and iPad - were wanted on jobs instinctive feel for what from technology.

"While all other fumbling was to try to find the formula, he had the better instincts."

The two met at high school and reconnected, deleted after jobs out of school and returned to California.

Together she attended meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club - a group of computer hobbyists.

Mr. jobs saw potential in the home-made machine Wozniak, and she began garage Apple Computer Inc. in jobs parents in 1976.

Wozniak came up with the name after seeing an Apple Orchard jobs.

Unfortunately missed

Tributes to the former head of Apple continue pouring on Twitter.

Mac fans who tweeted Stephen Fry: "Woke to the news of Steve Jobs death." He has changed the world. I was a little known and admired him completely. "Love for Apple and his family."

In the meantime, Amstrad said founder Mr Zucker "" gutted ";" Steve Jobs died. We began our computer-biz at the same time and was until the 1980s. Great visionary. Unfortunately missed. "RIP".

BBC Director General Mark Thompson paid tribute to Mr jobs at the beginning of a meeting in the internal staff for the proposed cuts in the Corporation layout.

"It's hard to keep someone that media has changed in the last 10 years."Our condolences to his family, Mr Thompson said.


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