Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TECHNOLOGY, A thing Amazon must questions correctly with the Kindle Tablet

If Amazon a tablet known as expected, then have this week you a nail thing really well, if it is - to be successful and that's the tablet look, feel, usability and design make solid. Why? If something more than a me-too Tablet have a hard time, the new tablet of the interface from the get-go, is not nail it. This is a major challenge for the e-commerce powerhouse whose lack of aesthetics, or well presented user interface was his Achilles heel.
With its e-commerce platform, the hooks in the sale of digital media and own Android app store, you would think, success would be a given. Well, not so fast, Amazon.
Ignite Clank
Image of the first generation Kindle with Android OS (such as the Kindle Tablet may).To start with, let's just say, I hope that design elements from the Kindle does not take a Kindle Tablet e-book reader.
Nothing about Amazon Kindle screams style e-readers. Still is the interface make it easy to do things. With the latest version of the Kindle some options seem buried under menu layers or require more clicks than you would expect. And for years, I was surprised how much Amazon removed, it has become in the text-heavy design of the Kindle menus or strong navigate of their site, making the experience when finding and managing digital content a laborious click-fest.
Interface aesthetics have always felt like an afterthought for Amazon. Comparison the fresh, Visual interface of Barnes & noble 2011 nook makes third-generation Kindle (approx. 2010) feel, flat and staid - even if one would have thought that this third generation would have been Amazon able, his attention to nuances like interface aesthetics.
Wanted: Tablet design Mojo
Also the last Amazon products that complement an own Tablet stumbled upon when it comes to interface design. Amazon's music cloud players works, but can frustrating to use, and does not have any sense of design. I have similar experiences with the current Amazon shopping and music store apps on Android. Exactly like the Android cloud players Android came both the iOS Amazon shopping - and music-store apps not the flexibility and integration bring consumers to expect thanks to Apple.
Look has never been Amazon's strong suit. Amazon has surpassed always to the behind the scenes technology. Its recommendation engine for us, is only one buy always famous nor the darling of the e-commerce sites make bought online to track its a click payment system and the ability to things it. These functions match a killer, aesthetic interface, and Amazon could have a winner.
Two versions of Kindle.Design WINS
The only exception to my Amazon interface frustrations is his Kindle applications for iOS and Android. The applications are not perfect, but they go far show that Amazon can thoughts to give, and execution, well-designed, Visual products.
The hat-trick with an Amazon Tablet not with whether Amazon will be able to offer a device that integrates the showcase and services – this is a simple bet and a matter of course in the light of its history with Kindle e-readers and reader. The real question is whether the company can produce a tablet with an interface, of course, that is visually appealing and functional on for how it will be used by consumers.
Apple, on the other hand was a master of the interfaces - it designs its software smoothly with their hardware works. And it does so with an unsurpassed attention to detail.
Sure, the iPad success on the clean, can be credited simply-to-use interface of the Tablet-iOS operating system. This legendary OS had years of incubation on the iPhone before it received his doctorate in tablets.
Android two design steps behind Apple
In contrast to Apple the Android user interface feels again still as if it is in its infancy. Perhaps it is good that Amazon has chosen its own way with your own custom interface, allegedly, to follow the Android OS. But that's a big maybe.
Color NooksAmazon, the their own design independence would exercise be a good thing - or not. Barnes & noble took an independent design path with its nook color. As a result this e reader/Tablet looks nothing like Android, but is. Barnes & noble has done a great job, the reading experience for use on the 7-inch Tablet tailoring. But nook color is not a tablet, the media and app usage, aimed, like Amazon tablet to become apparent: B &-N has some Tablet features such as Web surfing and E-mail, and it has own app store, but the choice remains limited.
We still don't know what Amazon interface looks like, and what will be - working on their Tablet PC about the fact that the apps from the Appstore Amazon will be the requirements for applications. According to reports, the Tablet have no Google market, the on board.
If with this tablet, Amazon finally can make a product that is an outstanding star with its user interface and user experience, the Tablet has legitimate potential, a threat to Apple iPad. But if not, it risked provides the interface nail still another Ho-Hum tablet in a crowded, even if a Ho Hum tablet with probably a built-in media consumption and e-book experience than most. One can hope.


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