Al-Qaeda first-class Al-Shamukh-chat forum is confronted pursuant to a terrorism expert ongoing electronic attack, who made the Forum completely unavailable.
The attack on Shamukh is similar to reported in June of this year and the first of the domain, and then the underlying data server were both taken separately, Evan Kohlmann flashpoint partner in an e-Mail late Monday said.
The difference of this time is, however, that al-Qaeda has now an alternative secondary forum its propaganda and media, known as distribute "Al Fidaa". "Shutdown Shamukh is still a nuisance, and there will certainly be webmaster headache Jihad, but it had not the same effect by choking al-Qaeda media machine, means," said Kohlmann, more than a decade, which has spent al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
Al-Fidaa is still not free, but it would be interesting to see whether a similar electronic attack against this forum as well as starts.
The identity of the attacker is not yet known, but it looks like someone launched a coordinated attack on the Forum in the life, designed, lame attaches to the entire system, said Kohlmann.
Usually, this not the kind of thing that happens by a lightning strike or a handful of people, is relying on a tool such as LOIC (low orbit ion cannon), he added.
LOIC is a network stress test tool, that flooding sites with data, so that they are not in a position to serve legitimate visitors. (DDoS) attack this type of attack is called a distributed denial-of-service.
Kohlmann, said in a Twitter message earlier Monday, the Web domain name, the maintenance Shamukh chat forum are apparently attacked by unknown hostile parties. He later reported that the Forum was "completely unreachable".
A threat to "Cut the tongue" of the US-TV presenter and comedian David Letterman was in August at the Forum.
John Ribeiro includes current news from India at the IDG News service outsourcing and General technology.
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